

There are lots of things that I will probably hem and haw over as Ginny grows up.  Like cell phones for instance.  In my mind, Ginny won't have any use for one until she legally obtains a driver's license.  Realistically though, I already realize that at some point earlier than 16 years from now, she will use her advanced powers of persuasion to convince me that every other 10 year old has an iPhone 14 (which will not be used just to play Angry Birds but for teleportation to and from middle school - after all, it will be 2022).  There are other things though that I just won't be ok with.  And one of those things is drinking kitchen cleaning chemicals.  I know that the bottles are a beautiful bright green but no matter how 'natural' they claim to be, you still can't put them in your mouth.  Sorry Ginny, this is not something I am going to budge on.  Drinking cleaning chemicals is bad for you...period.  End of story.
She is so very mobile these days that cleaning while she is awake is just out of the question.  Unless she is strapped in (to a jumper), tied down (to a highchair), or suspended (in her walker), cleaning is impossible.  And now that we are less than a month away from Gregg coming home, who cares?!  I just won't clean!  To hell with those filthy bathroom tiles and tufts of black cat hair that are just barely out of reach during a mediocre vacuuming effort.  Seriously, ask Oma (my mother-in-law), I have all but given up.  The most important thing now is to keep the animals and the baby alive and Gregg will be thrilled to be home and thoroughly impressed with me, no matter what the condition of the house is.

A quick account of Ginny's latest party trick:  we talked to Auntie Jilly last night over FaceTime and towards the end of the conversation, Jill coughed.  Then Ginny coughed.  And coughed.  And coughed.  Smiling all the while.  At first, I thought something was wrong.  And then we realized that she was mocking Jill.  Now she fake coughs every time someone else does.  It's really funny although I am not sure I should encourage it...it seems too "boy who cried wolf."


Meeting the Glenboski's in Birmingham

She's a climbing fool 
I miss the Keatings SO much


Oh Oma!  Hooray! (with an illegal, on base, 4th of July sparkler)

Trying on some minivans for size...yeah, I think this one will do

Watching a Chick Flick at 10 pm with ALL the girls

If you squint and take out all the red ant hills, it almost looks like the PNW

You don't like my driving?

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