
Tiny, Sharp, Nasty, Mean Teeth

Ginny has always chewed on everything so when she actually began teething, I barely noticed a difference.  Until last night that is.  She was up three times before 10 pm crying in pain.  My poor girl is usually such a good sleeper but she just couldn't get her shit together last night.  I finally gave in and got her out of bed to lay her on my chest and watch the final few episodes of 'Weeds'*** that I had been dying to see.  Within a few minutes, she had fallen back to sleep on me and I didn't dare move her.  With images of raunchy sex and drug dealing in the background, I was mentally transported back to the first few days she spent with us at home where I would hold her all hours of the day.  That's a very rare occurrence these days and I feel like it is almost too soon to miss those times...but I do.

On a lighter note, it is my distinct pleasure to announce to the internet world that Ginny's buddy Hansen is potty trained...well, mostly, because as he says "pooping in the potty is HARD!"  I babysat the Han-man today for a few hours and it was seriously the cutest bathroom moment ever when Ginny went pee in Hansen's Elmo potty while he was on the big-boy potty.  They were both very proud.  Well, Hansen was anyway since he gets three jelly beans (as I was eagerly reminded)...Ginny could have cared less and immediately crawled naked towards the dog bowls to try and choke herself on tiny things.

***This is for all you 'Breaking Bad' fans out there...try 'Weeds' if you haven't already.  It gets old after a while but Gregg and I flew through the first few seasons, pre-Ginny.  Now it takes me a full lunar cycle sequence to watch an episode.  That might be a slight exaggeration. 

Auntie Kerri came to visit!

Pondering the Meaning of Life (and why it is so damn hot in Mississippi)
On the Crapper Reading My Magazine

Her eyes get bright red when she's tired...just like her dad

What?  I'm licking the spinach off my feet...

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