
Ginny want wingy!

Ginny and I were officially Van Splundered last weekend during Grandpa's 90th birthday celebration in Holland, New York.  We made the 9 hour trek to sleep dormitory style in a crowded house full of extended family members to include Great Grandma & Grandpa Van Splunder, great auntie Bean, cousin Amber, great aunt Deb & uncle John, among many other great great uncles, aunts, and various cousins one, two, and three times removed (if anyone knows what that means).  We had our second big snowstorm to keep us all in the house (not that there is anywhere else to go in Holland) for a few days.  We went to an old five and dime store to get some very cool wax lips/mustaches, candy cigarettes, random cookie cutters, and some miscellaneous items for Gregg's care package.  As if the trip weren't exciting enough, we traveled to Buffalo to visit the original birthplace of the buffalo chicken wing.  Ginny could not contain herself and ate her weight in hot wings only to top it off with some birthday cheesecake and beer!

On the milestones front, Ginny has rolled over from back-to-front several times now and she is sitting up by herself for longer and longer periods of time.  We have yet to catch either on video, but we'll keep trying!  While we haven't officially started her on solids yet, she has gnawed on an asparagus and a green bean off my plate and loves to copy us at dinner time.

A stopover in Syracuse to visit Jesse and Cristi
Auntie Bean-hopper 
Great Grandma Van
Best looking guy ever to wear a chicken wing hat
Ugh...I have eater's remorse
Big Pimpin'
It's a Beautiful Day at the Anchor Bar
Great Grandma and Grandpa Van Splunder

1 comment:

  1. Oh my goodness.. I miss my baby!! and all the rest of you too. So much fun. Hands up!!!
