
Ginny visits the Old Folks Home...

...And we're not talking about just Oma and Opa's house either!

Oma (aka Amy - Gregg's mom) works at an adult daycare facility for elderly men and women with dementia and other mental illnesses.  We have spent many hours in the last week in providing the old folks with some entertainment as Ginny takes her turn puking on everyone.  We did lots of stuff to help out with the day-to-day chores:  Ginny helped a bunch of IT-challenged nurses fix their excel spreadsheets (read: spit up on Oma's office chair), Ginny helped an eye-sight impaired-grandmother-type make a beaded bracelet (read: tried to wrestle small choking hazards from mom's hands), and Ginny also helped Ron play the piano (read: disrupted music lessons with alternating screeches of joy and hungry fussing).  

Other than that, Ginny is really trying hard to roll over and to sit up by herself.  On Monday, she found her laugh (see attached video - yes, she gets so excited that she spits up at the end), but she really makes us work for it. 

Right now, we are in the middle of a huge snow storm where we're expecting a foot of snow.  Yesterday, we bought Ginny her first sled and after her nap we'll pull her around the neighborhood (more for our own amusement than hers).

Gigi and Ginny in her Newest Beret

A Very Proud Oma
Meeting her Biggest Fans
Oma and Ginny at the Farmer's Market
Ginny in her newest hand-knit sweater
Ginny's First Lobstah Roll
Ginny at LL Bean 

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