
Two weeks down....

Two weeks have gone by since Gregg has left and I have managed to keep the chaos at a minimum throughout our travels...with lots and lots of help from my very patient family.  Over the last few weeks, Ginny has added another several states to her traveling diaries and she has met most of our extended family.  She's grown out of MOST of her 6 month cloths and she's really filling out her 9 month onesies.  I can only hope that the next 5.5 months continue to fly by.  For now, I will let the pictures do the talking. 

Side Note: Disney pics will be posted next month when I get home as they are loaded on my desktop!  

Eating outside in the beautiful Columbus weather...in February

Controlled chaos at it's best - 4 MONTHS OLD


Baltimore Aquarium

I Believe I Can Fly

Gizmo did NOT bite her, although it looks like she might

Baltimore With Glenn & Pre-deployment Thai

1 comment:

  1. Thinking of you guys and praying for your whole family until you back together again!
