
Oh the Places You'll Go...

This girl is going to be one well-traveled little brat!  This past weekend, we went to Gulf Shores, Alabama for Justin Reynolds murder mystery birthday weekend (thanks to Mama Reynolds for letting us crash her beach house).  While it was much too cold to go in the water, Ginny enjoyed building and 'booming' sand castles with Hansen, playing ladder golf, and making a sportscenter-worthy dive for the frisbee.  Well, she may have only done one of those things but her parents enjoyed all of the above.  Of course, my camera was MIA the entire weekend (since then, found under the seat of my car), so hardly any of this past week or so was documented.  <GASP> I know, I'm a terrible mother but have no fear because there will be plenty of picture taking opportunities next week as we will be going to DISNEY WORLD!

I told Gregg that he could pick where to go for our "pre-deployment getaway."  Initially, we were thinking St Thomas (although the thought of me having the don a bathing suit 7 days in a row makes me cringe), but it was horribly expensive.  We thought about going skiing but, unfortunately, Ginny's hand-eye coordination is just not up to par for the black diamonds that Gregg and I like to ski (ha).  Finally, Gregg decides that it would be a great idea to take our 3.5 month old to Disney for a week of character sitings and very slow moving rides.  Plus, we have the added bonus of our friend, Melissa Reynolds, and her 2 year old son/Ginny's future beau, Hansen, joining us.  We cannot wait to see the look on Hansen's face when we get there!  My family used to go to Disney World every year for a family vacation and I always loved it...even when I was old enough that I probably should have been too cool for it.  While we probably won't go back every year, we are excited to introduce her to all the magic and fantasy that made my childhood so much fun so why not start indoctrinating her now?  

Chillin' with Dad at Work

Always Eat Your Spinach

Spanish Pants from Uncle Jesse and Auntie Cristi

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