
It's a Twofer!

MORE PICTURES!  Ginny is taking an exceedingly long nap so I have the time to load more pictures from my camera onto the computer (plus do laundry, plus catch up on emails, plus pay bills, etc) and you guys are the lucky beneficiaries.  These pictures chronicle our short day trip to Rhode Island to meet her great-grandparents on the Pereira side of the family.  In a matter of minutes, Ginny managed to christen everyone with some chunky spit up just in time for us to go to lunch.  The next day we rode the train out of New Haven into New York City, where took some more iconic shots of floating Ginny in front of major landmarks.  Ginny visited yet another famous bar, the White Horse Tavern, where Dylan Thomas drank himself to death.  It was a really cool corner bar in the West Village where all the local old men were drinking whisky and eating delicious potato-leek soup (which I hope to reproduce).  The baby got LOTS of attention since she was such an anomaly on such a cold and rainy NYC day. 

Avo (Grandpa in Portuguese)
Just a few generations of Pereira women-folk

Disappointed that we didn't get in the cash cab
Times Square

Grand Central

Ginny loves her dragons

Who doesn't love a good sink bath?

1 comment:

  1. Grandma's sink gives good baths! I remember Grandma being so kind to share her sink with Sarah too. :-) Looks like you guys had a great adventure! Sending our love!
