
Falling Behind

So, it's been a few weeks...sorry to all those waiting with bated breathe for those Ginny updates.  In short, she had an awesome Christmas (receiving way too much crap for any one deserving human being).  We had Gramma and Auntie Kerri in town for a few days...ate too many dough boys and tenderloin, drank too much wine.  They really loved the Mississippi/Alabama tourist traps...like the Vulcan statues and PJ's BBQ (what? you've never heard of it?! get some south in your mouth? not familiar? weird).

Then we traveled to New Hampshire to surprise Uncle Jeff, Oma, and Opa with baby Ginny.  We spent the weekend playing cards and drinking too much beer (do you see a trend?  Me neither).  Ginny is officially a world traveler (see pics at Quincy Market and at Regina's Pizzeria---basically Italy).

Since the holidays, in case you haven't heard, we have been mentally preparing ourselves for Gregg's upcoming deployment.  He leaves about one month from now.  His job sounds like it will be challenging yet different from everything he has done in the past.  It's a good time for him to leave, if there ever was one, as we hope he will be back before she starts to walk and talk.  He will be in a location that will have internet access and phone service so we really feel like we hit the jackpot.  Skype is going to be out best friend for the next 6 months.

Ginny rolled over all by herself for the first time the other day.  It was really anti-climactic.  She was pissed because I was forcing tummy time on her.  She got so mad that she just rolled herself right over (see imbedded video and ignore my annoying voice).  She has done it several times since then, but has the same surprised face each time.

Auntie Kerri and Ginny Bug
Christmas with the Lothrop Clan

Lots of Shit that Ginny Got

Gigi's Greats

"What's this soft spot right here?"

The Super Cool Van Splunder Crew

Doing Boston

Uncle Jeff and the Bug

She had a fit in Regina's

Fell on Gizmo and DID NOT get bit
3 MONTHS - January 6th

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