
Poor Ginny

If I could fast forward 15 years, I'm sure Ginny would say, "Please mom, don't do this to me..."  But it's too late...I have come full circle as a stay-at-home mom and created a blog dedicated solely to my (already) internet exploited newborn. In my defense, a semi-private blog is the only way I can balance my paranoia of over sharing on facebook versus my need to chronicle every moment of Ginny's life and repeatedly re-live those moments with our family and friends who inconveniently refuse to move to Mississippi.  
Now let's get caught up...Ginny was born, came home to meet Gizmo and smell Charlie, pooped on Gramma & Oma & Opa & Sarah, gained some serious weight, went unenthusiastically trick or treating with her BFF Hansen, and turned one month old...

Gramma & Ginny - One day old
Oma, Gregg, & Ginny
"BFD...I'm a model..."
1st Bath...she has ALREADY grown out of the kitchen sink
BFF, Potential Future Suitor, Defender of Freedom, Hansen Reynolds
"I'm here for the tricks...Mom says I can't eat any treats"
November 6th...One month old...I'm looking at you Gizmo...


  1. Wow, Ginny has done so much in one month. I feel so lazy. I cannot believe she has grown out of the sink already, did you go get a bigger sink? BTW, Charlie is pissed in that photo because he is having to share is new chair! I love the new blog and seeing Ginny grow. I miss you guys. :)

  2. This is amazing!
    Now,just to let you know if it were not for Richard and Amber I would move in as a full time Nanny. We miss you all immensely!
    As far of the spelling of the "gib" if your brave enough to say it you can spell it anyway you like. I did want to remind you that my vote was for tulip... "nooner"??? Oh well your the parents no democracy here, and you get to screw up you kido anyway you like. Just wait until it turns into a dictatorship (or is that gibtatorship or gibaronship??) and the smallest one in the house makes all the decisions; or has that happened already?
    Just loving all the pictures!
