
Ginny does Reno!

We took Ginny on her first plane ride last week to visit Grandpa Lothrop and Great Grammie Lothrop (Ginny's namesake) in Reno.  Just in case carrying a two month old on a coast-to-coast flight in economy seats wasn't challenging enough, we decided to cloth diaper her for the whole trip.  It was much easier than it sounds but I don't think my father was really thrilled when we showed up at his house with three days worth of poopy diapers but he didn't outwardly object so, thanks Dad!  While I'm at it, thanks to Oma for making lots of wet bags that seal in the smell of ammonia because it saved us from having to purchase new wardrobes when we packed the dirty diapers adjacent to our jeans.  Aside from the long flight (on which she slept the ENTIRE TIME), we arrived in San Francisco a little tired but generally unscathed and ready to meet up with some old friends.  First up was Aunt Ashley, a Meriden friend, for some delicious sushi and Golden Gate viewing.  Later that night, we drove to the Byrums' house in Fairfield (friends stationed with us in Washington, but now in California) to use them for their guest room.  I also, admittedly, forced us to go to the Jelly Belly Jelly Bean Factory, a wine coop and olive oil tasting where we had some great photo ops.  The following day, we made the drive to Reno to meet up with Grandpa and Great Grammie.  We spent the weekend making puzzles, having family dinners, and catching up with civilization (ie shopping at Target & sipping Starbucks coffee).  It was a great visit but as they always are, over much too soon.  We drove back to San Fran on Monday to finish up with some more sight seeing (Lombard Street, Fisherman's Wharf and Chinatown) and ended up for a short stay at a beautiful hotel where Ginny could kick back in style.  Overall, Ginny may have forced her extended family & friends to fall in love with her and checked off several items on her bucket list but she was eager to come home to Gizmo and Charlie.
Golden Gate

Jelly Belly Hats for Everyone!

After Olive Oil Tasting...we all look a little bit greasier

Four Generations

Ginny Does Reno!

Kicking back...Hyatt Style



  1. Love the travelogue especially the where's Ginny pics. I hope you keep taking a pic of GInny and Gizmo in the same chair every month so I can see her grow, and the Giz shrink!
    FYI this is Maggie as I can't figure out how to post other than anonymously.

  2. um. how am i just now seeing that you have a blog? stalking officially commences now.
