
She finally pooped!!!!

I'm so proud of my girl! And she was so proud of herself too. The past two weeks have been unusually stressful. After her two month check up, she refused to poop. Of course my imagination was running wild with all of the horrible things that could cause constipation...does she have a bowel obstruction? She's not even coordinated enough to put things in her mouth. Is she malnourished?! My nipples would say otherwise. I called every mom I knew, told every acquaintance I met, and even went as far as to finally give up and call the pediatrician. I was obsessed with her bowels...so much so that mine were overreacting to compensate. Then, this morning, it happened. My mom is here visiting for the holidays so she and I danced around Ginny's nursery celebrating her first unassisted poo in two weeks! It was the best Christmas present EVER.

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