
Holy crap!

She's two months old!  Her stats on Dec 9th's check up: 11 lbs 4 oz (gained 3), 22 inches (grew 2), and got 3 shots (ugh)

The look on her face while I was pinning down her legs was awful.  The moment she gasped and started screaming, I started sobbing.  I just kept apologizing to the nurse through my own tears while Ginny was wriggling to get away.  It was heartbreaking.  I don't know why I thought I could handle it.  I cry at the vet's office when Gizmo gets her rabies shot.  

Pumped up kicks

Gizmo was SO jealous that Ginny got to decorate the tree...

Stoked for Christmas
Alright Gizmo, it's your turn in the spotlight

Sweetest blurry picture ever

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